It's All About Looks Baby!
Ever look in a mirror one day, after being complimented by your significant other, or any person from the opposite gender, or even same gender (heck! I'd be flattered if a 3 year old told me I was pretty), and find an extremely good looking person smiling back at you? On that same day.. you will go out on the street and find people looking at you and deep inside you know they see it too, so you glance back knowingly and continue floating your way..
Then come that day, when you look at the mirror in the morning, and find that ugly pimple or zit and your self image plummets to the seventh underworld, where the heat makes it even worse.. Ironically, this won't happen unless you've had a quarrel with your man/woman who thinks you were a big mistake and maybe you two are just not right, of course there are other occasions where you'd get them, like the pre-photo shoot zit, and the I've got a big presentation at work tomorrow oozing white-head, but we'll touch on those a bit later..
Now that would just bring us to the whole egg or hen first dilemma! Is the way I am feeling affecting the way I look, or is the way I am feeling affecting the way I see myself and somehow, how people see me? You know, scientifically, images and colors do not really exist, they're just light reflections that our corneas interpret the way they like.. So in an abstract sense, I wonder if what we see is actually true, and no I am not going into the whole matrix conspiracy theory, but I am wondering really... What are looks and what makes pretty or ugly!
I remember once too often, at first look someone might seem extremely normal looking or even boarding on ugly.. Then somehow, after knowing him/her their image changes in your head, into a really pretty person. I hate to gossip about people (who am I kidding!!!! hehehehe) but let me direct your attention to SATC star, Sarah Jessica Parker. I used to think she is normal looking and really unattractive, and "what's all the fuss about". Then after seeing the show, I really think of her as one of the most beautiful women in show business. This has lead me to believe that our looks are not viewed objectively. As often, we associate feelings/attitudes with looks and end up with a final image which constitutes how we view people, or even ourselves. Perhaps, this explains that while all people agree that roses are pretty, they don't all agree that x person is, and despite the fact that all current standards of beauty are being secretly decided by plastic surgeons in their annual secret "Lets Make All People Look Alike" conference, we still view human beauty outside those limited boundaries.
Hey! You know what, I've been too busy writing, I didn't notice how pretty you look today! Maaan, I am so blessed with pretty and handsome readers and "readerettes"! OK that's it! Run now to the mirror and tell me how you look! See! Told you..
Before I leave you, I remembered an image I got by email a long time ago. I am pretty sure you've all seen it, but it fits perfectly here
Sarah Jessica Parker..I used to have a crush on her when I was little. She was in Flight of the Navigator back in the mid 80's. I don't really care about her anymore since she started targeting only female viewers and a few gay guys.
So, what are we talking about..yeah..self-image or image of others or something..anyway, I always say it's always about your expectations and when I talk about expectations, I always throw in the phrase, your expectation always alters your perception. I believe it's true. If you expect someone to be this or that, you see them as this or that. I guess it applies to beauty, too. Sometimes you see a weird couple, a good looking chick with a butt-ugly guy, e.g. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. They probably see something in each other...or not, other than one's rich and the other's white trash..actually both are white trash. This also applies to celebrities and the way we view them. We perceive most celebrities as good looking, when actually most are just plain ugly. But the problem is that we see these people over and over again to an extent where we Lindsay Lohan hot or what!
I don't really know where I was going with this...and for the nice person you are, D, I know you'll bare with my crap :p
Actually, I totally agree with you, and you probably summed everything I said by saying "expectation always alters your perception". Which brings me to conclude that we're all prejudiced in one way or another.. And when it comes to celebrities, the packaging and marketing both play a role.. It's true for ordinary people too, but in a less obvious way.
P.S. Britney beautiful, really?!
Many people say she's beautiful, I say she's nasty.
You're right.. I'm looking faaabulous today.. heh..
Ya you guys are right, I honestly am not one for looks.. in fact I always think hot guys are arses.. I know it's a complete stereotype..
and Sami I see that psych degree peeking out heh.. but ya.. it's like an altered perception..
Make up with your soul before making up your face..
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