Boredom Ultimatum
So here I am, in a restaurant at a mall, all alone waiting for a friend.. All stores closed for prayer, cigarettes smoke from the next table suffocating me, with nothing to read/listen to/play with, but my cell.. So i decide to blog..
Here is what i learned about cellular blogging, you get your message out faster to the world (so now everyone knows that am bored), you get you daily finger exercise (with a high risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome), and last but not least, you get to avoid the sorry.
Ok. Turns out, a cell phone can only let you type so many words. Which is why am glad that soon after I learned that that was all I can post, my friend called me to say that she has arrived. So I saved a draft, went on to give all my money to poor store owners everywhere.
And with that.. my boring story, of that boring evening, of my boring life ends. Hope you weren't too bored.
Take care all..
Sounds good :p
BTW isn't it too soon in my blogging life to be posting completly meaningless entries?
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