Monday, January 30, 2006

The Color Grey

Once upon a time, longer than I would like to admit, I was a child... Those were wonderful days, playing was #1 on the list of things to do, school was fun as there was always something new and fascinating to learn, and life was easy because everything was either white or black, and the definitions were set clearly by our parents, and reinforced by our teachers. Why don't we lie? Cuz it's wrong, mama said. Why aren't we supposed to fight with our siblings (although we did it anyway), cuz it's not nice, daddy said. We lived happy, because although we did not always do the right thing, we always knew what was wrong.

Time flew by, school was no longer fun, post-grad was a hassle, and work was a disaster. And suddenly, there are so many "opinions, preferences, life-choices" and nothing was black or white anymore.. Just millions of grey shades that even the most sophisticated plasma screen can't distinguish.. What the hell just happened here?

I guess we lost the privilege of having someone to take the decisions or do the thinking for us, and we ended up having to do that ourselves. However, there are a lot of people out there who do not feel the same way. Why? Because their "mom and dad" rule makers, became that influential talk show host, that excellent college professor with 12 digits after his/her name "Hotshot Professor, PhD, DMD, PDS, RBSS.. you get the picture ;)", or his/her gang of friends. Wait.. there's also the worst kind of mama and papa figures.. ADS! Yes, trust me, some people actually do use those, maybe for the less important decisions, but they do make choices based on those.

In a world where crazy confusing things are happening by the minute, it's getting harder and harder to understand and analyze what is going on, and spectrum of grey just enlarges, until it can no longer be contained in your "grey matter", it just outflows and runs as streaks in your hair. And in a desperate attempt to try and go black and white again, we color our hairs and go about, flaunting the look of "I know it all", with our one color hair.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Boredom Ultimatum

So here I am, in a restaurant at a mall, all alone waiting for a friend.. All stores closed for prayer, cigarettes smoke from the next table suffocating me, with nothing to read/listen to/play with, but my cell.. So i decide to blog..

Here is what i learned about cellular blogging, you get your message out faster to the world (so now everyone knows that am bored), you get you daily finger exercise (with a high risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome), and last but not least, you get to avoid the sorry.

Ok. Turns out, a cell phone can only let you type so many words. Which is why am glad that soon after I learned that that was all I can post, my friend called me to say that she has arrived. So I saved a draft, went on to give all my money to poor store owners everywhere.

And with that.. my boring story, of that boring evening, of my boring life ends. Hope you weren't too bored.

Take care all..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

You Have Got to Love this!!

Hey.. I know I haven't blogged in quiet a while, but you can't say I haven't warned you about this.. Things are great and enjoyable as long as they're new.. Exactly why am a bit concerned about getting older *shrieks!*
Speaking of new, you have got to check this out ---->
P.S. for those who don't know me, my current PB has lost the connection to its LCD display is now connected to some "HANSOL" monitor that dates back to the 18th century. That is not to mention the 667 MHz processor and the 512 MB RAM, but this would only partially explain my excitement about this new machine.. Besides its dashing sleek looks, it also has..... a remote control "in a childish voice"!! Hehehehe.. Yea you can call me superficial or a perks freak but I really thought that's neat! And that's only one of its features that I won't bore you with you can look at the website yourself..

Ok, now those of you who even felt partially compelled to buy this, please let me know... I was considering a career in advertising and I want to know how well I would do.. But the true sentiment behind this whole post "which by the way is not an ad" is to have a documented justification of why I am going to dig into my savings account "who am I kidding! I'll charge on top of a huge debt" to go and get one of those babies!!!

That's it for now.. the minute something this great hits the racks, I will let you know..

Peace out..